We have some very fun news! Milestone 1 will be available for Download this upcoming Tuesday (July 27, 2021). We will be streaming the Update Live over on Jupiter Vision’s Twitch Channel, so please go subscribe ahead of time and don’t miss the event! We will be starting around 10pm EST, and we hope you can come hangout and play with us. We’ll be getting as many people on with us as possible! Now without further ado, here are the Patch Notes:
Author: TetraAdmin
Utilizing Tiled in Tandem with Godot
This Post is in tandem with a Live Video Presentation. If you are confused, or it seems like information is missing, please watch the video (Link Here). This is not intended to be a tutorial by itself.
This presentation is all about utilizing the functionality of Tiled Map Editor to create 2D maps & Interactive objects for your games. Godot’s tile maps are awesome but they are lacking the finesse for a more speedy workflow. Tiled offers you a much more refined workflow that results in quicker iterations and easier adjustments to your world. We’ll discover how Tiled can be advantageous in your projects, and show you how powerful it can be when it comes to realizing the game world you have dreamt of.
The Power Behind the Scenes
TetraForce is Multiplayer, but there is a very robust system running in the background that has enabled it to be as such. We are very fortunate to have @Joseph B. Manley at the helm of our multiplayer servers through the use of AWS. If you are at all curious, I encourage you to read his blog post about how he achieved this for TetraForce. The break down and visuals can really help digest the scope of the whole project. It is a fantastic showcase as to what can be done in tandem with the Godot Engine. We can’t thank Joseph (ahem, #2) for joining our project, be sure to check out his blog.

Welcome to the TetraForce Dev Log. This website will serve as an ongoing record of all accounts related to TetraForce. If you’re new here, and you don’t know anything about us, well, you should head over to the About Page and get yourself caught up! If you’re interested in learning more, or being a part of our community. Join Us on Discord!